Welcome back, spring!

If you’re anything like us, then you are completely over winter and ready to be outside soaking up sun-shiny vitamin D! Spring is a time of revitalization. Not just for us, but for all forms of life. Now is the time to start thinking about your spring clean ups ! These are early-in-the-season lawn care and landscape maintenance tasks that will make your flora pop in the coming months.  While the weather in March can fluctuate (we do live in Kansas) it is a great time to start tending to spring maintenance activities to ensure the revival of your landscape after the hardships of winter.

Spring clean ups are important and beneficial

Spring cleans ups do more than just make your outdoor living space look clean and well kempt – they are vital to the health of your plants and turf. Here are a few things that can be done at this time of year to jump start the growing season at your home or property:

Prune bushes and shrubs

During winter months, bushes and shrubs can be damaged by the cold weather and wind. Pruning branches back when spring rolls around allows sunlight and spring air to reach live stems. It is much easier for a plant to heal from clean cuts than it is from tears. It is important to note that not all shrubs should be pruned early on. Azaleas for example may look desiccated but should be left alone until they flower.

Cut back ornamental grasses

We recommend leaving ornamental grasses untrimmed throughout winter because the foliage provides beautiful color while everything else is gray and snowy. Now that spring is upon us, it is important to cut these ornamental grasses back to allow for new growth.

Pick up debris

During winter, different kinds of leaves and debris can be blown into your yard and landscape beds. Fallen leaves and dead foliage will smother plants and foster disease, so taking the time to remove them is greatly important.

Pull weeds and top dress beds with mulch

Early spring is the perfect time to pull weeds from landscape beds, making room for all the new growth you want! Once the threat of frost is gone, it’s also a great time to get rid of old mulch and redress beds with a fresh layer.

Want to get started?

Warmer weather is already upon us, and our team is here to help you keep up with these tasks so that your lawn and landscape beds thrive as soon as possible while you focus on other fun spring activities – like barbecuing, or bike riding, or porch swinging, or whatever it is that you’ve been looking forward to doing. If you’re interested in having Lawrence Landscape take care of your spring clean up needs or if you just have questions about the process, get in touch with us – now is a great time to get started!